On most days I am a jeans and T-shirt kind of girl. My teeth are always brushed and my face is always washed, but showering just may or may not fit into my schedule. So any chance I get to do my hair and make-up and...wait for it...SHOWER...I am all over it. So last night was the wedding that I was preparing for by starving myself for six days in order to combat the back fat that I developed over this past summer. I can't say the dress zipped up with ease, but I can say that there weren't any chunks hanging over the back of my dress. Success! Not only was this wedding a chance for me to get done up, it was also a chance for mommy to have one too many cocktails. The combination of a nice shower, some champaign and a couple captain and diets made for a wonderful night. Now, although I am always looking for the funny in everything, nothing really funny happened last night, which I guess is a good thing. I didn't trip and fall, hulk out of my dress or vomit in any strange places. So I guess I will have to instruct today more so than please (that's a little Horace for you, yeah that's right, I take Literary Theory). So to anyone out there who is feeling stressed, overwhelmed or less than beautiful, here is my perscription to you. Grab the one you love most in the world, whether that be your significant other, best friend, mom, dad, sibling, whoever, get as dolled up as you possibly can (if your a mom like me, pop a DVD on for your kid and get your smelly butt in the shower) and go out dancing! It is amazing how much better you can wake up feeling after a good night of drinking and feeling beautiful with someone you love.
To my husband, Jim, I had a wonderful night with you. It makes me so happy to go out with you and be able to be just as carefree as we were when we were dating. You are the love of my life and I promise to never stop having fun with you. Love you always, Krissy. <3
Looks like a night out on the town dancing is in store for me and my dog Sarah! ;) Just don't let anyone else know that she's the one I love most...